Is Arch Linux with LXDE better than Lubuntu or LXLE?

To understand which is a better operating system lets see the small details of them.

  1. Lubuntu:

Among the linux distributions Lubuntu is a fast and lightweight easy to use beginer friendly Linux operating system. Lubuntu uses the minimal desktop LXQT, and a selection of light applications. It is based on debian, which is a very stable and rock solid linux distro. Ubuntu uses debian package manager dpkg and .deb packages. It has out of the box support for most of the applications. most of the applications you will need in every days life is pre-installed. It has a point release system which comes every six months, and these versions are supported for 18 months with daily security fixes and patches to critical bugs.

  1. Arch:

Arch Linux is a super fast super stable and super reliable distros ever made out of simplicity. simplicity in its KISS principle- Keep It Simple, Stupid. It was built from scratch independent of any other Linux distribution. It is a rolling release distribution meaning install once and use forever. All the updates and security patches will be delivered to you as soon as the developers release it. It doesn’t bloat our OS and ships with a minimal list of default software. Its your choice to select the softwares. It uses Pacman as it’s default package installer, which is less wordy than the package managers of other distros. It also has The Arch User Repository (AUR) which is a collection of applications and tools that are installable on Arch Linux but not yet available in the official Arch repository. It is perfect for anyone interested in understanding how Linux works as it force you to pay attention to the arch wiki it’s documentation and recommended usage tips throughout it’s continued usage.

  1. LXLE:

LXLE is a full featured Operating system for an grand father aged PC. Though it runs very nicely in modern pcs but it is mainly created to revive a old one. It is very lightweight, heavily optimized and tweaked operating system based on Ubuntu or Lubuntu LTS version. Without loss of generality you may say it is basicaly highly modified Lubuntu. So the basic things are same. It has more PPAs added, some more wallpaper collections and some more app systems are added by default.

So you see we just cant say that arch is better, or lubuntu or lxle is better. to understand that lets see an example.

Let’s talk about two persons one having black hair and blue eyes and other having golden hair and brown eyes. Can you say who will be a better friend. Definitely no. It’s not only you, no one can say. Because persons can’t be judged by their eye or hair color or skin colour. Every person is unique in their inner self. Then who will be your best friend? Simple with whom you will feel comfortable, safe and happy will be your best friend.

Lxde is merely a skin on the os, don’t fall for it as a os, it’s the gui not the os. So though the skin colour (lxde) is same in lxde arch, lubuntu or lxle they are not same thing, they are completely different os made for different types of persons with completely different tastes. So comparing these which will be better is worthless. Try them one at a time and find which one is better works for you. Which os is going close to your heart. Which is making you feel comfortable. And which os making you happy when using. If you discovered something when trying, that’s your best os in Linux world. Keep it, use it, and you will love it.

It may be arch, it may be ubuntu or lxle the thing is it should be you-friendly.